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Hospital Checklist for Birth and Perineal Recovery

When it is time for you to give birth, there are telltale signs that you are going to experience. It’s important that you have the right things with you or be prepared for perineal recovery. For example, you should have a few changes of clothes for yourself and the baby, sanitary pads and your toiletries. It’s also essential to have some underwear you don’t mind ruining.

For the baby, you should have a blanket, hat, diapers, and a sleepsuit or onesie, depending on the time of year. It’s also an excellent idea to have the car seat in place so that you can bring your baby home safely. Once you deliver your baby, you are probably going to be sore. You and/or the baby might have to stay in the hospital for a few days before being allowed to go home. Because of the soreness down there, you may not want to wipe yourself with toilet paper. Instead, a portable bidet is the best choice. It gently cleanses you and can be packed in the hospital bag to take with you.

What Is Perineal Recovery?

Perineal recovery is the term used for when a woman recovers after giving birth. The vagina is amazing and does so many things. It has to stretch a lot, which causes tearing and bowel movements. You’re probably going to see blood and may need stitches.  Recovering from birth is a messy experience. However, once your home, the issue lingers. You’re going to feel sore down there for a long time, and it could hurt to wipe yourself after going to the bathroom.

mother with baby

Personal hygiene is essential during this time to keep the stitches from becoming infected. Plus, you don’t want to tear them out while wiping, either. Therefore, the best thing you could do is to install a bidet for the toilet. You can find a bidet attachment that gets installed under the rim. It’s easy to set up, as well, and you can clean yourself gently with just water. You can also purchase a bidet sprayer, which can double as a cloth diaper sprayer. This attaches to the toilet’s water main and the wall. Spray it after each time you go to the bathroom. 

A bidet toilet is another option, but it is going to require you to buy a toilet with the toilet spray feature built-in. This can get expensive, but it’s an investment that you can use for many decades to come. Whether you choose a bidet sprayer for the toilet or one built into the bowl, they can both work well to keep you clean. With that said, you are also going to be more comfortable and may even recover faster because you’re not agitating that sensitive area all the time with wiping.


When it comes to giving birth and dealing with perineal recovery, there are many things you need to have. The most important is a shattaf or a toilet bidet. Portable versions can also be essential while you’re in the hospital. That way, you can rinse off any blood, clean up after birth, and enjoy your new bundle of joy that you’ve waited nine months to see.

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