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How to control hygiene before pregnancy?



Wash your hands 

pregnant washing hands

Maintaining good hygiene is especially important for pregnant women, as it can help to reduce the risk of potential complications. One of the most important and effective ways to practice good hygiene before pregnancy involves washing your hands frequently with soap and water. Doing so is particularly important before eating or after using the bathroom, as these activities can introduce bacteria into your body that could be harmful during pregnancy.  

When washing your hands, be sure to do so thoroughly and for at least 20 seconds. During this time, make sure you clean all areas of your hands – including between fingers, around fingernails and up to the wrists – with warm water and lather up with soap. Additionally, it’s recommended you wash your hands after coming into contact with anyone who appears sick or who may have been in contact with someone else who was ill recently. 

Avoid sharing personal items like towels and toothbrushes 

his and hers

Getting pregnant can be an exciting journey for many couples, but it’s important to ensure your health is in order before you try. Controlling your hygiene before pregnancy is essential to prevent any risks and complications during the process of conception and beyond. Sharing personal items like towels and toothbrushes can transmit bacteria, viruses, or parasites that could be harmful during pregnancy. 

To avoid sharing these items with others around you, consider keeping a separate set of towels and toothbrushes for each family member in your home. Discourage others from using them as well so as to limit the exchange of germs between individuals. When traveling, always carry your own towel and toothbrush with you if possible. Disinfecting surfaces regularly will also help reduce the risk of spreading germs—especially those that are prone to moisture accumulation such as bathroom surfaces or kitchen counters. 

Practice safe food handling techniques 

Practice safe food handling techniques

No matter what time of life you’re in, controlling hygiene before pregnancy is important. During pregnancy, a woman’s body becomes more susceptible to infection and illnesses, so it is necessary to practice the highest level of food safety. The best way to ensure food safety is to practice proper food handling techniques before and during pregnancy. 

One of the most important steps in preventing food-borne illness while pregnant is practicing safe food handling techniques such as washing your hands with soap and warm water before handling any foods, not eating raw or undercooked foods, avoiding unpasteurized dairy products and keeping raw meat separate from other foods. It’s also important for pregnant women to avoid cross-contamination by using separate cutting boards for raw meats and vegetables when preparing meals. Additionally, storing leftovers correctly after cooking can prevent bacteria from growing on them if they are not consumed immediately. 

Practice safe sex 

Practice safe sex 

Practicing safe sex is key to preventing the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Having unprotected sex puts individuals at risk for a variety of STIs, including HIV and chlamydia. The most effective way to reduce the risk of contracting an STI is by using condoms or other barrier methods. Not only do these methods help protect against infection, they also provide a layer of protection against unintended pregnancy.  

In addition to using condoms or other barrier methods during sexual activity, it’s important to practice good hygiene before pregnancy. Examples include washing hands with soap and water before and after engaging in sexual activities, avoiding contact with others’ body fluids, and urinating after sex. It’s also important to use clean sheets on any bedding where sexual activity occurs. Taking steps like these can help ensure that both partners remain healthy and protected from potentially harmful infections during intercourse. 

Get vaccinated against illnesses 

Get vaccinated against illnesses 

Getting vaccinated against illnesses is an important step to take when planning for a pregnancy. Vaccines are the only way to protect yourself and your unborn baby from diseases such as rubella, chicken pox, and influenza. While vaccination is essential, there are also other steps you can take to ensure the good health of both you and your baby during pregnancy.  

One of the most important things to do before getting pregnant is to control hygiene in order to reduce the spread of infection. This means washing hands regularly with soap and warm water, avoiding contact with people who have contagious illnesses, and eating food that’s cooked thoroughly. Additionally, it’s important for women planning on becoming pregnant to visit their doctor for a physical exam. So any potential health issues can be addressed. The doctor can also provide information about what vaccinations may be best before starting a family. 

Eat a healthy 

Eat a healthy 

Pregnant women need to have a proper diet and exercise routine to ensure the health of their unborn child. Eating healthy is essential not only for the pregnant mother but also for her baby. However, one equally important factor that pregnant women should take into consideration before eating a healthy diet is controlling hygiene during pregnancy.  

Keeping your immune system strong is key in helping to protect yourself from illness. Eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of fluids can be an effective way to help maintain a strong immune system.  

A nutritious diet full of fruits, vegetables and proteins will provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to support your immune system. It’s also important to drink enough water throughout the day. If you don’t like plain water, try adding natural fruit slices or herbs for flavor. Additionally, limiting processed foods that are high in sugar can help keep your immunity strong.  

Get plenty of sleep 


Good health and hygiene practices before pregnancy are essential for a healthy pregnancy. Controlling your hygiene before becoming pregnant can help reduce the risk of infection and other health issues that can affect your baby.  

It is important to get sufficient sleep when trying to conceive. Getting adequate rest helps keep your body well-rested, allowing it to regenerate and heal itself naturally. Sleep also helps improve circulation in the body, which aids in the production of hormones needed for conception. Additionally, sleeping longer hours allows your body more time to repair any damage caused by stress or environmental factors, keeping you healthier overall.  

Exercising regularly is another great way to control your hygiene before pregnancy. Exercising helps increase blood flow throughout the body. Improving oxygen delivery and helping flush away toxins from cells faster than normal. 

Take care of any dental or medical issues before trying to get pregnant 

dental or medical

Women who are preparing for pregnancy should take extra care of their dental and medical health. This is because certain treatments may not be safe during pregnancy. And some conditions can lead to complications during the gestation period.  

To help ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy, it is highly recommended to visit your dentist or doctor before trying to conceive. During this time, any existing medical issues should be addressed and treated accordingly. For example: if you suffer from gum disease or have cavities in your teeth, these should be addressed prior to getting pregnant as they can worsen over the course of the pregnancy. Additionally, medications such as antibiotics may need to be avoided once pregnant so it is important that any infections are treated beforehand with an appropriate medication. 

Taking steps to protect yourself and minimize your exposure 

Working in a hazardous environment can be dangerous, particularly when it involves exposure to hazardous materials. It is important to take steps to protect yourself and minimize your exposure to these materials. As they can have long-term health implications and effects.  

The most important step you can take is understanding the types of risks associated with your job. Such as chemical hazards, physical hazards or biological hazards. Knowing which type of hazard you are exposed to will help you determine the best protective measures for minimizing your exposure. Additionally, using personal protective equipment (PPE) such as safety glasses, gloves and respirators can reduce the effects of exposure.  

It’s also important to practice good hygiene habits before and after work. To further reduce your risk of harm from hazardous materials. This includes showering immediately after work, washing clothing separately and thoroughly washing hands with soap regularly throughout the day. 

Keep your living spaces clean 

Before pregnancy, every woman should strive to control the hygiene in her living spaces by dusting, vacuuming, and wiping down surfaces regularly. These three simple steps can help keep your home clean so that it is a safe environment for you and your baby. Dusting is an important part of maintaining good hygiene as it removes allergens from the air that can cause respiratory issues. Vacuuming helps reduce dirt and debris on floors that could be tracked into other rooms or swallowed by small children or pets. Additionally, wiping down surfaces with a disinfectant cleaner prevents the spread of germs which is especially important before pregnancy.  

Pregnant women must take extra care to ensure their living spaces are clean in order to protect both mother and baby from potential health risks. Such as allergies or illnesses caused by bacteria or fungi in the environment. 

Wear clean clothes and change your underwear daily 

Being pregnant is an exciting and busy time, but it’s also a time when hygiene becomes especially important. Knowing how to control hygiene before pregnancy can help ensure the health of both mom and baby. One essential step in maintaining good hygiene is wearing clean clothes and changing your underwear daily.  

Changing underwear every day helps keep bacteria away from your skin and body. Wearing clean clothing each day will reduce the amount of dirt, germs, pollen, and other environmental particles that come into contact with your skin or enter through the nose or mouth. Additionally, wearing breathable fabrics such as natural fibers can help regulate body temperature. While also allowing sweat to evaporate quickly so bacteria doesn’t accumulate on your skin or clothing.  

Finally, always showering at least once a day is important for keeping good hygiene throughout pregnancy. 

Take care of your personal hygiene 

hospital peri bottle


Good personal hygiene is key to preventing illness and infections before pregnancy. It’s important for women to take care of their own health by maintaining good hygiene habits. Before getting pregnant, it’s essential to follow a few basic steps in order to maintain proper hygiene.  

The first step is to make sure you bathe or shower regularly and brush your teeth at least twice a day. Additionally, using a peri bottle or handheld bidet can help keep things clean down there too. This will help keep bacterial levels low and prevent unpleasant odors from occurring. Moreover, make sure that you change your underwear on a regular basis. In order to avoid bacteria buildup and other potential issues. Finally, make sure that you are washing your hands frequently throughout the day with soap and warm water. In order to eliminate any germs that may have been picked up from contact with surfaces or other people. 

Avoid contact with people who are sick, if possible. 

When considering how to control hygiene before pregnancy, it is important to avoid contact with people who are sick, if possible. This can help reduce the risk of catching any illnesses that could potentially affect the health of a developing fetus. Taking preventive steps now can make a big difference in ensuring a safe and healthy pregnancy. 

It is recommended that pregnant women limit their exposure to those who have colds or other contagious illnesses by avoiding large crowds and close contact with anyone exhibiting symptoms such as coughing, sneezing or fever. If necessary, use disposable gloves when handling items that may have been contaminated by someone who is sick. Frequent handwashing with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds can also help prevent the spread of germs. Additionally, pregnant women should also be sure to get their annual flu shot as soon as possible during flu season. 

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